Corporate Wellness
It’s no secret that happier and healthier employees take fewer sick days, are more productive, and overall produce better quality work.
Wholesome eating and lifestyle habits are the cornerstone to getting well and staying well. As health care costs continue to rise, staying healthy is something we can all appreciate. Yet, it can be difficult to make sense of all the conflicting nutrition information that’s thrown our way.

Lunch & Learn
A one-hour lunch and learn session is the perfect format to bring nutrition education to your employees in a relaxed and fun atmosphere. Select or request a topic that fits the needs of your employees and your unique work environment and we'll be there to lead the way.
Here are a few topics to consider:
Wholesome Eating and Lifestyle Habits for Busy Professionals
Eating for Energy and Focus
High Performance Nutrition
Foundational Nutrition for Balanced Hormones

1-0n-1 Employee Consultations
1-on-1 nutrition consulting allows employees to make the most of general nutrition education by dialing in on their unique needs. Being informed is the first step but learning to implement change will have the most meaningful impact on their lives.
Knowing without doing is like not knowing at all.